
时间:2023-07-23 04:45:02 来源:网友投稿



九华山导游词讲解 第1篇










九华山导游词讲解 第2篇




九华山导游词讲解 第3篇

Dear guests, Hello! I"m Wang Ping, the tour guide accompanying You can just call me Wang On behalf of Anhui travel agency, I"d like to extend my warm welcome to you and wish you a successful If you have any questions during today"s tour, you are welcome to raise them in I must follow the principle of reasonable and possible to make your trip

First of all, welcome to Jiuhua Next, let me introduce the general situation of Jiuhua

During the reign of Tang Tianbao, Li Bai wrote a poem "once upon a time on Jiujiang River, looking at Jiuhua peak in the distance, green water hanging on the Tianhe River, showing off Hibiscus" and "Jiuzi mountain" was renamed "Jiuhua Mountain" from then

It is a national 5A tourist area, a national courtesy tourism demonstration site, one of the three famous mountains in Anhui Province, and one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in It is also known as the "dizang Bodhisattva Taoist center" in the world, known as "the first mountain in Southeast China" and "Lianhua Buddhist kingdom".

Jiuhua Mountain has beautiful scenery and numerous ancient There are 99 existing temples, of which 9 are national key

We are now at the center of Jiuhua What you can see is Huacheng temple, kaishanzu Temple of Jiuhua The name of Huacheng temple comes from the story of "Huacheng refers to the earth" in Buddhist Huacheng temple is the oldest ancient temple of Jin Dynasty in Jiuhua Mountain, and it is the "total jungle" of Jiuhua Hanging on the temple forehead is the horizontal plaque of "Jiuhuashan historical relics museum" inscribed by Zhao The ancient clock in the temple is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20XX It is exquisitely cast and has a loud "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the "Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Looking up, the hall built on the cliff is the famous "centenary Palace". Now let"s take the ground cable car to visit the centenary palace!

On the plaque of the centenary palace, the ten gold characters of "bestow the centenary palace, protect the country and Wannian Temple" were inscribed by Li Yuanhong, President of the Beiyang According to records, in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, a monk named flawless came to Jiuhua Mountain at the age of 26 and spent a hundred years of hard work in Motianling, Dongya Three years after his death, his body was found in the The monk on the mountain believed that he was reincarnated as a living Buddha, so he offered his body in Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty granted him the title of "Yingshen Bodhisattva" when he understood that this body was a monk without

Next, let"s go to the We have to pass fenghuangsong scenic spot to go to the Fenghuangsong is located in the Min garden of Jiuhua Mountain, which is a major landscape of Jiuhua Please see, the pine is meters high and 1 meter diameter at breast It has a peculiar shape, just like the phoenix spreading its wings, so it is called Fenghuang The history of this pine was recorded in the southern and Northern Dynasties, and it has a history of 1400 It has the reputation of "the first pine in the world".

The scenic spot of Jiuhua is located on the Tiantai Tiantai peak is the main peak of Jiuhua Mountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 There is a saying that "if you don"t climb the Tiantai Mountain, you will not ". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street, about 15 kilometers to Huali mountain road, the surrounding mountains are crawling, and the surrounding rocks are The inscription of "non human" on a huge stone really makes people feel like they are in Penglai Tiantai "holding the sun Pavilion" to watch the sunrise is no less than Mount Therefore, "Tiantai xiaori" is listed as one of the "ten sceneries of Jiuhua".

Now we come to the body Hall of shenguangling, where the body of jinqiaojue, the Bodhisattva of Tibetans, is Because of his common surname Jin, he was honored as "jindizang".

During the Kaiyuan reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, Jin qiaojue, a 24-year-old king of Silla, crossed the sea to seek Dharma in He boarded Jiuhua via Nanling and other He chose a cave to live and practice in a secluded place deep in the

Jin qiaojue devoted himself to training for 75 At the age of 99, he passed away in Jiuhua After three years of the letter, it still "looks like life, with soft hands and a sound at Luojie, like shaking a golden lock". The monks believed that he was the incarnation of the Bodhisattva, so they built a stone pagoda to worship him and called him "jindizang"

As a result, Jiuhua Mountain became a Taoist center of dizang Bodhisattva, and thus became famous in China and even the It gradually became a holy land of dizang Yinghua, which was called together with Manjusri of Wutai Mountain, Puxian of Emei Mountain and Guanyin of Putuo

This hall is majestic and It is a tower hall type building, covered with iron tiles, with palace style eaves at the four You have to climb 81 steps to enter the Look at these two plaques, which read "the palace of the flesh" on the top and "the first mountain in the Southeast" on the The hall is three rooms wide with white marble on the In the center of this White Jade Pagoda, there stands a seven story eight sided wooden There are niches on eight sides of each floor of the tower, and each niche is dedicated to a gold Outside the wooden pagoda is a white jade altar with a standing statue of Yama in the ten halls holding a GUI in both At the four corners of the base of the pagoda, there are the top beams of the pillars, and inside the pagoda are the three-level stone pagodas dedicated to the body of the golden In front of the tower is a hollow octagonal glass lamp, which is always

Well, tourists, today"s tour is Thank you very much for your support and cooperation in my Welcome to visit again!

九华山导游词讲解 第4篇




九华山导游词讲解 第5篇










九华山导游词讲解 第6篇






游九华山,首先到九华街,这里海拔 600多米,是九华山的中心,寺庙也主要集中在这里,因此有“莲花佛国”之称。这里实际上是一个山上的村镇,除了庙宇外,还有商店、学校、旅店、农舍,游人可以在这里住宿,并以此为起点,游览山上的名胜。

九华街上的化城寺,是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,也是九华山的主寺,寺的建筑依山势布局,反映了高超的 建筑设计艺术。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约20xx斤的古钟,铸造精美,声音洪亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱 俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。

从九华街往东走不远,有一建在悬崖上的"殿堂,就是著名的“百岁宫”。其匾额上书有“钦赐百岁宫,护国万年寺”十个金字。据说,在明朝万历年间,有个叫无暇的和尚,26岁来到九华山,在一个人迹罕至的山洞里苦修了100年。死后3年,人们才在洞中发现他的肉身。山上和尚认为他是活 佛转世,遂将尸体装金供奉。明崇祯皇帝知道后封他为“应身菩萨”。于是供奉他的小庙香火日旺,寺庙扩展,成为九华山四大丛林之一。游人可以在寺里的肉身殿看到这具头戴僧帽,身披红色袈裟,端坐莲台之上的无暇和尚的装金肉身。

九华山导游词讲解 第7篇

Dear tourists, we are going to Jiuhua Mountain right Let"s listen to Xiao Ke I"ll give you a brief introduction, so that when we arrive, we can visit more

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing He thought that the famous mountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Li Bai went to Mount Jiuhua three Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautiful mountains and numerous Buddhist

To visit Jiuhua Mountain, you should first go to Jiuhua street, which is the center of Jiuhua Temples are mainly concentrated there, so it is called "Lotus Buddha kingdom". It is actually a village on the Besides temples, there are shops, schools, hotels and Visitors can stay there and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on the

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of Jin Dynasty in Jiuhua It is also the main temple of Jiuhua The architecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation, reflecting the superb art of architectural In the temple, there is an ancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20XX It is exquisitely cast and has a loud It is struck with a The solemn and clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes people feel extraordinarily "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the "Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Jiuhua scenery is on the Tiantai peak is the main peak of Jiuhua Mountain, with an altitude of more than 1300 There is a saying that "if you don"t get on the roof, you don"t ". From the rooftop of Jiuhua street, about 15 Huali mountain road, along the road through many scenic When you are out of breath and reach the top of the roof, the scenery in front of you will make you open-minded and All around the mountains crawling, looking at Jiuhua street, only palm so

Well, here we We all get off the bus and follow Xiao Ke into the scenic We must pay attention to our team Don"t fall behind or go to the wrong

九华山导游词讲解 第8篇






九华山导游词讲解 第9篇

安徽九华山是中国佛教四大名山之一,首批国家重点风景名胜区,它为皖南斜列的三大山系(黄山、安徽九华山、天目山——白际山系)之一。位于安徽省池州市东南境,西北隔长江与天柱山相望,东南越太平湖与黄山同辉,是安徽”两山一湖”(黄山、安徽九华山、太平湖)黄金旅游区的北部主入口、主景区。风景区面积120平方公里,保护范围174 平方公里。中心位置(九华街雪地理坐标为东经117°8′,北纬30°5′。现为国家AAAA级旅游区、全国文明风景旅游区示范点,被誉为国际性佛教道常


安徽九华山以奇丽的自然风光著称于世。南朝时,因此山奇秀,高出云表,峰峦异状,其数有九,故号九子山。唐代李白游山时观九峰如莲花,写下了“妙有分二气,灵山开九华”;“天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉”的诗句,并改九子名为九华。安徽九华山主体由花岗岩构成,由于受构造、岩性及外力等影响,形成了以峰为主、盆地峡谷、溪涧流泉交织其中的雄奇秀丽的地貌景观。安徽九华山有名峰70 余座,千米以上高峰30余座,最高十王峰海拔1342米。唐代刘禹锡观山时赞叹:“奇峰一见惊魂魄”,“自是造化一尤物”。境内清溪萦绕,山西五条溪流汇于六泉口,经五溪河、九华河汇入长江;山南三溪和山东两溪分别流经三溪河、陵阳河汇入太平湖。山间遍布深沟峡谷,垂涧渊潭,流泉飞瀑,气象万千。“江边一幅王维画,石上千年李白诗”。安徽九华山是一幅清新自然的山水画卷。安徽九华山处处有景,移步换景,清代概括有”九华十景”。对外开放后,新辟八大景区,百余处新景点。新老景点交相辉映,自然秀色与人文景观相互融和,加之四季分明的时景和日出、晚霞、云海、雾冖雪霰、佛光等天象奇观,美不胜收,令人留连忘返。





九华山导游词讲解 第10篇

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing He thought that the famous mountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Li Bai went to Mount Jiuhua three Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautiful mountains and numerous Buddhist

As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty (401), temples began to be built on the Since then, they have been added and expanded to form "one small temple in three li and one big temple in five li". The temples spread all over the It is said that there were more than 300 temples with 4500 monks in their At the moment, there are still 50 or 60 temples in complete

When you visit Jiuhua Mountain, you first go to Jiuhua street, which is more than 600 meters above sea It is the center of Jiuhua Mountain, and temples are mainly concentrated there, so it is called "Lotus Buddha kingdom". It is actually a village on the Besides temples, there are shops, schools, hotels and Visitors can stay there and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on the

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua street is the oldest ancient temple of Jin Dynasty in Jiuhua It is also the main temple of Jiuhua The architecture of the temple is arranged according to the mountain situation, reflecting the superb art of architectural In the temple, there is an ancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20XX It is exquisitely cast and has a loud It is struck with a The solemn and clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes people feel extraordinarily "Huacheng evening clock" has become one of the "Jiuhua ten sceneries".

Not far from the east of Jiuhua street, there is a hall built on the cliff, which is the famous "centenary Palace". On the plaque, there are ten gold characters: "imperial grant to the centenary palace, protect the country Wannian Temple". It is said that in the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a monk named At the age of 26, he came to Jiuhua Mountain and spent 100 years in a rare Three years after his death, his body was found in the The monk on the mountain thought that he was reincarnated, so he offered his body in Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty granted him the title of "Yingshen Bodhisattva". As a result, the small temple dedicated to him flourished, and the temple expanded to become one of the four jungles in Jiuhua Visitors can see the golden body of a flawless monk in a monk"s hat, red cassock and lotus platform in the body Hall of the

九华山导游词讲解 第11篇





九华山导游词讲解 第12篇



现在我们来到的是安徽九华山的肉身宝殿,说到安徽九华山的肉身宝殿,不能不提一个人。这个人叫金乔觉,是一个外国人,他来自古新罗,也就是今天的朝鲜半岛东南部。据史料记载,金乔觉是新罗国的一个王子, 24 岁时削发为僧,并从新罗国航海来到中国。他遍游中国的名山大川,最后落脚安徽九华山,结庐修行。并遵照地藏菩萨的誓愿:“ 地狱未空,誓不成佛” 。在安徽九华山修行期间,金乔觉降伏猛兽,采集药草,一边为山上百姓治病,一边传经布道,广施佛法,深得广大民众的爱戴。金乔觉渐渐声名远播,收了不少弟子。连当地的地方官也上山来听取佛法,并把他的事迹奏明了朝廷。


于是,追随金乔觉的人越来越多。由于山高林密土地少,粮食不能维持山上众僧的生计,他们不得不食用观音土。因为长期营养不良,当时的人们把金乔觉称为“ 枯槁僧” ,称其徒众为“ 枯槁众” 。但越是艰难困苦,金乔觉越是信念坚定,更加赢得众人的敬重,连新罗国僧众,也相继渡海前来跟随 。金乔觉九十九岁圆寂后,尸体历经三年都没有腐烂,面容跟生前一模一样,这些超自然的现象正和佛经上记载的地藏王菩萨相似。正好金乔觉法名金地藏,于是,佛门确认他为地藏王菩萨转世,人们修建塔墓供奉,顶礼膜拜。自此,安徽九华山便声名远播,成了地藏王菩萨的道场。

现在我来为您解释一下这“肉身宝殿”所供奉的“肉身”的含义。肉身,原意是父母所生血肉之躯。佛门所谓的“ 肉身” 是指高僧圆寂后, 其身体虽经久远的年代, 却没有腐朽溃烂,保持着原形而栩栩如生。只有修行到非常高深境界的僧尼,才可以形成肉身。肉身不同于埃及的“ 木乃伊” 。在古埃及,殡葬仪式很简单,只需在沙漠上挖个浅坑掩埋,由于沙漠气候干燥,遗体接触到热沙很快脱水,细菌被杀死,自然作用形成木乃伊。后来的人工木乃伊是在人死后,将内脏、大脑等组织取出,然后把尸体用药物处理保存。


而安徽九华山地处长江南岸,山中四季湿润,气候潮湿,不存在产生“ 木乃伊” 的自然条件,肉身也未经过任何药物处理。这种奇特的肉身现象,至今没有得到科学的解释。


九华山导游词讲解 第13篇






九华山导游词讲解 第14篇

Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China and one of the first batch of national key scenic It is one of the three major mountain systems (Huangshan, Jiuhua, Tianmu and Baiji) in southern Located in the southeast of Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it faces Tianzhu Mountain across the Yangtze River in the northwest and Taiping Lake and Huangshan Mountain in the It is the main entrance and scenic area in the north of the golden tourist area of "two mountains and one lake" (Huangshan, Jiuhua Mountain and Taiping Lake) in Anhui The scenic area covers an area of 120 square kilometers and the protection area is 174 square The geographical coordinates of Jiuhua Street are 117 ° 8 ′ E and 30 ° 5 ′ Now it is a national AAAA tourist area and a demonstration site of national polite scenic tourist area, known as an International Buddhist Taoist temple

Picturesque scenery and famous mountains

Jiuhua Mountain is famous for its wonderful natural In the Southern Dynasties, the mountains were so beautiful that they were higher than the clouds, and the peaks were so strange that there were nine of them, so they were called Jiuzi When Li Bai visited the mountains in the Tang Dynasty, he saw the nine peaks like lotus flowers, and wrote the verses of "the wonderful is divided into two parts, the Lingshan opens the nine flowers" and "the green water in the Tianhe River shows the nine lotus flowers", and changed the name of Jiuzi to The main body of Jiuhua Mountain is composed of Due to the influence of structure, lithology and external force, it forms a magnificent and beautiful landscape with peaks as the main body, basins and valleys, streams and springs There are more than 70 famous peaks in Jiuhua Mountain, more than 30 peaks over 1000 meters, and the highest Shiwang peak is 1342 meters above sea Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty praised when he viewed the mountain: "the sight of a strange peak is breathtaking" and "he is a creature of nature". Five streams in Shanxi flow into liuquankou and into the Yangtze River through Wuxi River and Jiuhua River; three streams in Shannan and two streams in Shandong flow into Taiping Lake through Sanxi River and Lingyang River The mountains are full of ravines, ravines, pools, flowing springs and "A Wang Wei painting by the river, a poem written by Li Bai for thousands of ". Jiuhua Mountain is a fresh and natural landscape Jiuhua Mountain is full of sceneries, which change step by In Qing Dynasty, there are "ten sceneries of Jiuhua". After opening to the outside world, eight new scenic spots and more than 100 new scenic spots have been opened The new and old scenic spots complement each other, and the natural beauty and cultural landscape blend with each In addition, the four distinct seasons, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, fog, snow, graupel, Buddha light and other celestial wonders make people forget to

Dizang Daochang, a famous Buddhist mountain

Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Buddhism in The famous Tibetan Bodhisattva Daochang, whose founder is xinluoseng In the 7th century, under the background of frequent exchanges between the Tang Dynasty and the Korean Peninsula, the prince of Silla, Jin qiaojue, came to visit famous mountains and Zhuo Xi After his death, he was regarded as the "spiritual manifestation" of the Bodhisattva in Because of his common surname of Jin, he was called Since then, Jiuhua Mountain has been established as a way of Bodhisattva in In the Tang Dynasty, there were more than 20 temples in Jiuhua Mountain, which developed to more than 40 in the Song In the Ming Dynasty, the main temple, Huacheng temple, became the total jungle with dozens of There were more than 100 temples in the whole mountain, and the incense was flourishing, which was "the top of southeast mountains". So Jiuhua Mountain, together with Wutai, Emei and Putuo, is known as the four famous mountains of Chinese In the Qing Dynasty, there were more than 150 temples in From the total jungle Huacheng temple, there were four big jungles: Zhiyuan temple, Dongya temple, baishuigong temple and Ganlu Among the four big Foshan temples, it was famous for "the best incense in the world". After the opening to the outside world in the late 1970s, Foshan, an ancient city, was bathed in the sunrise of the flourishing age, with its vitality reappeared and its old appearance At present, there are more than 90 monasteries, including 9 National Key monasteries and 30 provincial key monasteries, more than 600 monks, more than 10000 Buddha statues and more than 20XX Buddhist cultural Temples are generally maintained, Buddhist activities are carried out normally, and foreign exchanges are Mount Jiuhua Buddhism keeps friendly exchanges with Buddhist groups in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, Thailand, Hong Kong and Taiwan, and more than 100 monks have made overseas In today"s Buddhist temples in China, Jiuhua Mountain is famous for its broad and profound Buddhist culture, International Buddhist taste, strong incense and Buddhist spirit

Popular fusion has been widely praised, and has become a distinctive and influential Buddhist holy

It has a long history and famous culture

The combination of religious culture and landscape culture, and a lot of historical and cultural activities make Jiuhua Mountain a famous cultural mountain with a long history and rich More than 20XX years ago, Taoists stopped at Jiuhua Mountain, and Jiuhua is called "thirty-nine blessed places" in the book of "a study of blessed places". Up to now, there are more than 20 sites of Taoist activities and Taoist In 401, the fifth year of Long"an in Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tianzhu monk Beidu founded Maoan in Jiuhua, and Buddhism began to spread to Jiuhua In the Tang Dynasty, the new Buddhist monk founded the dizang Daochang, which was "a magnificent place with broad light"; in the Ming Dynasty, it was full of fragrance and became one of the four famous mountains of Chinese Taoism and Buddhism make Jiuhua Mountain famous and attract numerous celebrities and After Li Bai, many scholars came one after They lived in seclusion in Jiuhua and wrote They created books: gathering people to give They went out to study and visit They expressed their love for mountains and rivers and wrote poems and There are more than 20 Book sites in Jiuhua Mountain, such as Taibai book Hall, Yangming book and Ganquan Jiuhua Mountain is also the hometown of folk There are more than 300 children"s songs, labor songs and ritual songs, many of which have Buddhist color and vividly express the thoughts, feelings and life interests of the working The imperial court of the past dynasties also attached great importance to The emperor of the Ming Dynasty issued imperial edicts and silver The Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty wrote "Jiuhua Holy Land" and "fantuo PuJiao". More than 50 temples in Jiuhua Mountain were granted by the imperial Many historical and cultural activities are rich in historical There are more than 20XX historical relics in Jiuhua Mountain, including nearly 100 precious After opening up to the outside world, we attached great importance to the development of cultural resources, made great efforts to excavate and sort out Buddhist culture, and established the "jindizang Research Association" and the Buddhist Culture Research Association to create a new culture

With the establishment of Buddhist Academy and cultural relic Museum, the cultural resources have been initially developed and have a wide influence at home and The culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, ghost culture, architecture culture, stone carving culture, folk culture, food culture, tea culture and body culture are Jiuhua Mountain is a famous cultural mountain with profound cultural

九华山导游词讲解 第15篇

在睡觉的游客们可以醒一醒了,我知道大家都累了, 经过机几个小时的长途颠簸,现在我们终于是到了我们今天的目的地了——九华山。大家下车,开始我们的九华山之旅,大家跟着我,不要掉队,现在我们顺着蜿蜒曲折的山路,沿着山阶拾级而上,就能到天下第一千年古松——凤凰松。大家可以看一下,它就像一只展翅欲飞的凤凰,似乎在欢迎我们的到来。







九华山导游词讲解 第16篇

Hello, tourists! Welcome to Jiuhua It"s my great honor to be your tour guide, to accompany you to appreciate the charm of Jiuhua Mountain and spend a perfect time

Jiuhua Mountain, located in Qingyang County, South Anhui Province, is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in Liu Yuxi, a writer of the Tang Dynasty, praised Jiuhua Mountain after climbing He thought that the famous mountains in the world could not compete with Jiuhua Li Bai went to Mount Jiuhua three Jiuhua Mountain is characterized by beautiful mountains and numerous Buddhist

As early as the Eastern Jin Dynasty (401), temples began to be built on the Since then, they have been added and expanded to form a small temple in three li and a big temple in five The temples spread all over the It is said that there were more than 300 temples with 4500 monks in the prosperous At the moment, there are still 50 or 60 temples in complete

When you visit Jiuhua Mountain, you first go to Jiuhua street, which is more than 600 meters above sea It is the center of Jiuhua Mountain, and temples are mainly concentrated there, so it is called the lotus Buddha It is actually a village on the Besides temples, there are shops, schools, hotels and Visitors can stay there and take it as a starting point to visit the scenic spots on the

Huacheng temple on Jiuhua

Jiuhua Mountain is the oldest ancient temple of Jin Dynasty, and also the main temple of Jiuhua The layout of the temple"s buildings is in accordance with the mountain situation, reflecting the superb art of architectural In the temple, there is an ancient clock which is more than ten feet high and weighs about 20XX It is exquisitely cast and has a loud It is struck with a The solemn and clear sound of the bell reverberates in the valley, which often makes people feel extraordinarily Huacheng evening bell became one of the ten scenic spots in

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